Episode 6: Step by Step Content Creation Process for the Social Seller

When you sit down to make a post on social media… Does it take you 2-3 minutes or are you staring at your phone trying to figure out what to say for like 30 minutes?

Well friend.. I’m going to share my Step By Step Process I have used for over a year now to help me stay organized, consistent, on brand and reaching new leads! I’m guessing you want to do all of that right? Okay- let’s jump in!

Before you start posting on social media.. You really need to figure out a few things…

Who are you talking to?

What can you do for them?

What will you talk about?

Why do they trust you?

What makes you different?

So, let’s address each of these:

Who are you talking to? I’m sure by now you’ve earned on a podcast, a youtube video or in some sort of caption someone talk about your ideal customer or client.

You need to create a persona or avatar in a sense of exactly who you are talking to. This may seem a bit silly, but think about it.. You wouldn’t explain your products the same way to your grandmother that you would explain them to your best friend right? Well, your products may be for everyone, but not everyone will want your products!

So, maybe you are in the makeup industry and you firmly believe everyone would love your makeup! You may be right!


The chances of people finding you aren’t as easy because there are millions of others who are also in the makeup industry. So, what you need to figure out are the answers to the questions I just mentioned because then you will be attracting a very specific client or customer who wants what you have to offer because you specialize in a certain aspect of makeup.

Maybe you are the contour queen! Maybe you are a busy mom. You work outside of the home and know how to create a contoured look with 3 simple products in the car in 5 minutes before walking into work!

This is a very specific woman you are helping! Now, can other people buy makeup from you! Of course!! And they likely will - because if your ideal customer persona is a busy mom and loves what you provide.. Chances are she is friends with other busy moms and will want to share what you have to offer!

So, take some time to thoughtfully curate who you are talking to.

Next, What can you do for this busy mom? Well, we just mentioned you know how to teach her how to apply makeup with minimal effort and look like a mom boss from her car!

And how will you share this information and what will you talk about? Because as much as you love to contour and how you can help her.. You don’t want to do the same kind of post over and over right?

So, this is where you are going to pull in other areas of your business and life. Many people refer to these as content pillars or buckets. So, the goal is to come up with 5 content buckets and within each bucket there are 2-3 topics you can share on within that category.

Let’s stick with the makeup analogy since we have already been talking about it.

So, we already know Makeup will be one category. Another might be mompreneur and how you are able to work this makeup business as a working mom. Another category might be beauty tips and tricks that could still include your makeup but focus more on beauty as a whole. Then, maybe pull in something like a hobby. Maybe you love getting your lashes done so you share tips and tricks on how to appl your own, when you get them done how you care for them, etc.. And maybe the last bucket is focused on self care and how you’re able to juggle all the things and still focus on your health.

So, we have just identified 5 buckets and you can decide within each bucket some of the sub categories to focus on and talk about.

The reason I like to do this is because when you look at someones instagram page you see anywhere from 9-12 images at once.

And if all you ever post about is your makeup.. You’re not going to attract very many people that are looking to actually buy because it seems as if you’re always selling.

People get on social media for 3 reasons..

For entertainment

To be educated on a topic - anything from the news, learn how to contour, hear from a social media expert, etc..

To engage with their friends, family and everyone in between.

Most of the time.. They are not getting on social media to be sold to. They are getting on to be social.

So, how can you still monetize your time on social media without being salsey or spammy???

Well, let me tell ya!

Your goal should be to do all of these things!

You want to in a sense create a community where you entertain, educate, engage and keep them coming back for more.

People don’t buy from businesses. They buy from people.

I would guess that just about anything you have purchased off social media wasn’t necessarily on a whim or because you randomly saw someone post a product once… but more likely you have been following them for a while and they are sharing more than just that product!

So, in order to build that trust and authority and why they should buy from you rather than all the other people in your industry.. It takes creating your own brand, being consistent with your content buckets and offering value! Basically, give them a reason to want to follow your journey!

Now that you have answered all these questions about your customer avatar or persona whatever you want to call it… and you’ve decided what topics to share and how to provide value..

It’s time to come up with your content plan…

So, depending on how far out you want to plan your content.. You need to start curating a bunch of different pictures and videos that you feel align with these 5 buckets.

You also might want to create a few images and reels using your brand colors to incorporate throughout your feed. I’m not sharing much of that today-- we will talk more about branding soon! But, if you’re using something canva it’s super easy to do that and to plan out what you want your feed to look like based on your branding, but it’s not necessary!

Once you have all of these things…

I want you to focus on 1 big goal in the month and a smaller goal for each week. So, maybe take some time to do some goal setting.

It might look like you setting a sales goal. A goal for how many new clients you want in a month. A goal for your team, a promotion goal or even a personal goal.

It might be that your company is launching a new contour set or new lash set…

So, maybe one week you want to focus on selling a certain number of the new lash sets. So you might take a picture of the lash set on you or on one eye to show a comparison. Maybe you have a tutorial in a Reel, IGTV or live video. Then, maybe share a pic of you with the kids and how you’re able to still feel beautiful being a busy mom while making money with a side hustle. Maybe you talk about self care and taking care of removing makeup or eyelashes. Maybe even share images of client testimonials or different makeup looks with the lashes on you.

So, now that you have the images and content you want to share… it’s time to write the captions and decide how you want to stay organized and consistent.

You could use a posting service like planoly, later, cinchshare or even the facebook business suite. Or maybe you want to manually post so you keep all your content in a google doc, notes on your phone, trello or an excel sheet.

There are many different ways to do it and that is entirely up to what works for you! The key is not in how it’s delivered.. It’s in the consistency of the content.

So, let’s talk about how often you should plan to post and what the caption should say…

Regardless of what anyone says.. Think about this.. The more you show up = the more your audience will grow. So, just like with fitness, or business… the more you show up to the gym and make healthier choices.. The more weight you lose right.

So, maybe this season of life is hard and you need to focus on posting just 4-5 times a week. And that’s ok!

Or maybe you are in growth mode and want to explode your business. You need to be prepared to show up a few times every single day! That might look like a live IGTV or LIVE video on FB once a week. Posting 2-3 reels on Instagram. Scheduling out 1 static post almost every day and even 1-2 carousel posts. As well as consistently showing up in your stories every single day.

That may seem like a lot, but if you are intentional, have your content scheduled and planned out.. It’s not hard and only takes a few minutes each day- unless of course you’re doing a live.

The hardest part is simply the time it takes to gather all the resources: like videos, images etc.. So, you may need to sit down once every two weeks for a few hours to batch all your content and that way it won’t take long to simply post and engage each day.

When writing out the captions, just like when writing a paragraph.. You have an introduction to the topic, information in the middle and a closing statement.

Well, captions are very similar to this same concept..

The only difference is we have very little time to get someone’s attention with the overwhelming amount of distractions on social media.

So, how can we get people to notice your content and engage outside of just liking your picture???

Well, you’ve got to start off with a captivating Hook! Why?? Because on Instagram you can only see a few lines of someone's caption. You have to click on read more in order to see all of it.

That hook is going to entice followers to click on the read more.

Some examples might be…

Can I share a little secret with you?

You might not know this about me…

I can’t believe I’ve never talked about this…

Unpopular opinion

Are you ready to hear something crazy or some big news?

I think you get the idea.. Start off with something that would peak someone's curiosity!

Next you’re going to share value, information, insight to something.

So, if you’re sharing why every working mom needs these eyelashes.. You might say something like…

Can I share a little secret with you?

I put my lashes on in the car before walking in to work.. I know what you're thinking.. “How in the world did you do that?”

Well friends.. This new set comes with everything you need in one little box that fits easily in my purse. Not only is the packaging crazy cute, but it also has the glue inside as well as a tiny tweezer set.

All together it takes me about 5 minutes to get them on. Pretty amazing right!

Are you interested in hearing how to apply lashes so quickly that look natural? Drop the word LASH in the comments and I’ll be sure to send you a tutorial.

So, I started with a hook, shared some information, spoke to my dream client, and ended on a call to action.

That’s the final thing you want to include.

There are so many different ways to prompt someone to act. Some big asks might require them to leave the app. Things like grab my course, check out my latest youtube video, sign up for my webinar, click the link in my bio, etc..

But some smaller things you can do consistently to increase engagement are include things like…

Drop your favorite emoji if you agree…

Ask pretty much any question - like have you ever tried applying lashes? What happened?

Share what has worked for you.

Tag a friend who needs to hear this today.

Comment with 3 words that describe you best.

And sooo many more!

Then, you simply repeat the process with each piece of content you want to create for that week, month or however long you want to plan out.

Once you have it all prepped and ready.. It’s only a matter of deciding how to deliver the content. Whether you use one of the schedulers, set an alarm on your phone each day or add it to your calendar.

When you are consistent you will start seeing results!

I hope this was helpful. If you are looking for a visual breakdown of this process I will be offering a live webinar on _____ where I will be sharing my screen and walking through the exact process I use and do with one lucky listener.

Want to be that person?!?! Click the link in the show notes to register and you could be the lucky winner!!

Thanks again for tuning it.


Episode 7: Interview with Brittany Davidson - Owner of the Exchange Boutique & Social Exchange in Murfreesboro, TN


Episode 5: Tips for a Successful Black Friday