Episode 13: Team Building Mindset & Strategy

One of the most powerful things we can do in network marketing is we have the ability to increase our influence, our impact and our income. We don’t have to wait around for someone to give us a raise. We don’t have to wait on someone to give us an account set or permission to post on a social platform.. We have the ability.

So, you might be asking.. Why is it that statistically not very many people have success in this space when we each have an equal opportunity to do it?

It usually boils down to one thing…


Are you looking for a way to scale your business in a sustainable way in 2022?

I am so excited to announce my incredible partner in crime Monique Scrip & I will be launching a 12 week coaching program!!!!

Are you interested in hearing more about this mentorship?? Send me a message on Facebook or Instagram, and let’s chat about it!

Here are a few details…

Multiply 2.0

Mentorship Feb 16-May 4:

  • 12 Weekly Group Coaching Sessions (1hr sessions w/ optional 15 min Q&A)

  • Weekly Accountability

  • Lifetime Access to the video course & pdf’s

  • 3 months of access to a private Facebook group

  • 12 weeks of social media content / captions


Episode 14: This is why your business isn’t growing…


Episode 12: 20 Social Media Content Ideas for REELS & TikTok