Episode 12: 20 Social Media Content Ideas for REELS & TikTok

Social Media’s Short Form Video has truly EXPLODED all over the internet in the last few years, but especially since TikTok really began to take off 2017-2019. Then, in 2020 their growth sky-rocketed, and people began to use TikTok to market their business, brand, products and more!

One thing I teach my network marketing team is to show up on the platform your ideal customer, client, and lead is most actively engaged. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok.. Each of these platforms is focusing more and more on video content!

TikTok has been a very famous video social media app for a while and Instagram decided to jump into the short form video content game a few years ago when they launched REELS. This decision was incredibly smart. Many people were either leaving Instagram or rarely on it anymore, and spending most of their time scrolling on TikTok. Just recently Facebook launched REELS to also compete in this video content arena.

Social Media seems to be changing on the daily, but one thing that has continued to grow is video content. So, I want to share with you 20 ways to market your business, products or services using REELS and TikTok’s.


Episode 13: Team Building Mindset & Strategy


Episode 11: Top 5 Social Media Trends in 2022