Episode 8: Recruiting in a Virtual World

The fastest way that you will get to your goal… whatever it might be.. And I’m sure some of you have  some pretty scary big goals. Whether it be earning the incentive trip, promoting to a new level, or something personal you don't even want to say out loud.

The fastest way that you can get where you want to go.. Is to recruit!

Plain & simple… 

There are 5 things you need to be doing consistently in order for you to have continuous leads coming your way…

  1. Market Your Business

  2. Prospect

  3. Connect

  4. Track

  5. Follow Up

Let’s dive a little deeper on each of these topics.

Market your Business: There are a variety of ways we can do this.. 

  • Attraction Marketing

  • VIP Group/Community

  • Virtual Events

  • Affiliates

Prospecting: This is you searching for leads before you actually connect. Basically you have warm leads and cold leads.

  • Warm Leads are people in your network who are either interested in what you offer, watching you and engaging with your content or you are in discussion with them via messenger etc..

  • Cold Leads are people that have not heard of your business, may not even know you, but could still benefit from what you offer.

So, the goal is to consistently stay in front of both to turn your cold leads into warm leads and get your warm leads off the fence. You can do this through attraction marketing, the community group, creating an email list with a free lead magnet, etc..

Connect: Once you have found these leads.. You’re going to start making connections.

People don’t buy from a business. They buy from a brand or someone they know, like and trust!

So, what are some ways to connect with people without sending a ton of Hey girl.. Messages?!?! I’m so glad you asked!

  • Anything you post on social media, if someone engages with you whether it’s a static post on your wall or in your story.. Make sure you comment back. Don’t just like their comment. Instead, like their comment, respond back with something similar to what they did with you and maybe even ask a question to keep the engagement going.

  • If you have someone interested in the products, business, etc.. try your best to go to their social media pages and comment on the latest post. Don’t go all stalker on them and like everything back to 2019, but just make a comment here and there. It shows them you are interested in what they are sharing and it tells the algorithm on social platforms that you and this other person want to see each others content. 

  • Other FB Groups: This is a great place to find people that are similar to you, but you may not have a connection with just yet. Whether it’s a military spouse group or work from home mom group - you can join these groups and ask questions that pertain to common issues you and people in these groups might have. An example post in the work from home moms group might be: What is one system you can’t live without as a work from home mom? As people are commenting and engaging, this is a good time to make new friends! Add them as a friend, be genuine and a real human. Don’t just add them as a friend and immediately message them to join your team! These type of connections don’t usually give results immediately, but overtime these things will pay off.

  • The most obvious way to connect is to send messages to people in your warm market. It can be something as simple as…

  • Hey Amy! I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you always commenting on my social media posts. I really do appreciate the love! Did you happen to see what I've been up to lately?

  • This shows the person that you see how much they care for what’s going on with you because they are consistently engaging with your content and it opens the door to share about Hugh & Grace.

Tracking: Anytime people are commenting, engaging, messaging, etc.. I am documenting it! I like to use trello because I work from my computer a lot. Not only that but there is an app, so anytime I am out and about and someone messages me and talks about it in person.. I don’t forget to write down their name and what they wanted to hear more about because I quickly add their name on the trello app.

But with my last company I used a 3 ring binder and paper. I would highlight people I knew I wanted to consistently follow up and then add their name in my planner so I wouldn’t forget.

You can use excel sheets, google sheets, trello, a planner, a notebook, even the notes on your phone. Just pick something that you will be consistent with and stay on top of.

Follow Up: Have you ever heard the saying.. The fortune is in the follow up? Well, I can attest that is 100% true!

At the end of the day.. You have to be consistent and focus on how you can serve others. 

In the words on Zig Ziglar, You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”


Episode 9: Interview with Brittany Scarlett Stevens


Episode 7: Interview with Brittany Davidson - Owner of the Exchange Boutique & Social Exchange in Murfreesboro, TN