Episode 64: Create a Recruiting Culture with this One Thing

If you’re a leader, and you want your team to recruit more -> listen up!

The majority of people who come to this industry would LOVE to build a team, but lack the confidence and tools to consistently convert those prospects.

Here’s how you can change these stats for your team:

  1. Create a Facebook group where you hold monthly or bi-weekly opportunity events.

  2. Provide a simple message template on day 1 to get them inviting leads to this group for more information.

  3. Set the standard & pace as the leader. If you expect 1 person a day to be added to the group - you should be adding 2 a day!

  4. Follow through on what you say you’re going to do! If you schedule an event in the group - do the event. Even if 1 person shows up. Act as if there are hundreds. 

  5. Your energy will be replicated by those around you. So, if you show up excited for every event, live video, training, etc.. Your team culture will change and the energy of the community will attract growth minded people.

There are so many effective ways to build a team in today’s virtual world, but the most powerful thing you can do is to create a community.


Episode 65 : Lessons from the Driving Range


Episode 63 : Booking Abundance