Episode 60 Present Mom Powerful Leader REPLAY

We all have those moments we look back on and wish we had done things differently.

When I look back on the success I’ve had in the network marketing space, there are things I would do differently if I had to do it all over again.

There are things I would tell myself.

Such as:

There is a way to have sustainable success without burning yourself out.

You will never get that time back with your girls. Be present!

You don’t have to sacrifice your health.

Good Boundaries are essential

What I wish I had done sooner was remember why I started my business in the first place. To focus more on what the business was allowing us to do as a family, and remove strict timelines and expectations I kept putting on myself.

Because I learned the hard way, I don’t want you to have to walk down that same path. I want you to do it better.

I shared this and so much more in our Masterclass: Present Mom, Powerful Leader and you get to here on the Podcast today!


Episode 61 : Victoria Secret Taught Me an Incredible Business Strategy


Episode 59: What I would do differently if I could go back...