Episode 48 : Branding You Big with Heather Schaefer
Heather Schaefer, Founder of Branding You Big, has perfectly blended her creative design and marketing talent with her experience leading team and sales in the network marketing industry. She has been a leader in three different direct selling company’s and currently leads a team in two businesses. She has been published by Women Over 50, is a guest speaker on multiple platforms and is the creator of a virtual strategic brand coaching program for entrepreneurs and network marketers who want to elevate their brand.
Heather is also a wife, a mom of three adult daughters, a whoodle mom and feels the most grounded with her feet in the sand and the lake waves crashing at her side.
You can find her on all the social channels @heatherschaeferhq and on her website: www.heatherschaeferhq.com
You can get her free download Branding Made Easy Guide here: https://bit.ly/3brandeasy